Saturday, May 26, 2012

Teachers Notebook

I have finally created my Teachers Notebook account! Yay! I have loved finding great resources from other teachers on this website and I figured it was time I participated. My first item is a FREEBIE! I created Word Work Task Cards in primary colors for my students to use during Daily 5 time. I found that at the beginning of the year as I was introducing various activities that my students could do during Word Work, many of my students were having difficulty remembering what materials they needed or where they were supposed to work. I made up these cards (laminated) and they have really helped my kids remember how to get started.

Each card has a materials list, step-by-step directions (helpful if you get a new kid in the middle of the year), and where to work in the classroom. This last part was added mostly to remind my kids that they should not do play dough spelling on the carpet...

I have also added my first digital item. They are the same task cards but in Bright Polka Dot for those teachers who have a bright-polka-dotted classroom theme that they would like to stick with.

I hope these will be the first of many items that I post. Keep your eyes out for more to come!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mobile Mouse

Recently I have been using a helpful app on my iPhone called "Mobile Mouse". This is an app that let's me control my computer remotely with my iPhone. In fact, just for fun,  I am creating this blog post using only Mobile Mouse on my iPhone. This is not an advertisement to list all the cool things the app can do, instead it is a quick view at how this app can be used in the classroom to allow teachers to be mobile while teaching rather than static at their desktop or laptop. Here are some ways I have been using this application:

1) PowerPoint: I can stand in the back of the classroom or hang out with one of my "distraction" students while still keeping up with my slides.

2) Media: I can control all of my media applications from across the room. While my students are watching a video in class and filling out some kind of worksheet, I can pause the video for discussion, questions, or when I notice a couple of kids getting behind in their notes.

3) In the Computer Lab: When I bring my own laptop to the computer lab, I can demonstrate the steps to an assignment that my students will be completing. I can type the URL that my students will be using from my iPhone onto the desktop screen. While the kids can see what I am typing on the big screen, I can see what I am typing on my iPhone. I also have the ability to zoom-in to something on the large screen with just a scroll of my finger. Without this app, I would be stuck behind one of the desktops that is hooked up to the projector. With this app, I can walk around assisting students when they get stuck or have a question.

This app is available for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad in the app store for $1.99. It is also available for Android. Keep in mind, you will need to not only download the app onto the device you will be using as a remote, you will also need to install the Mobile Mouse Server onto your computer.

I have only listed a few uses for this app in the class but I'm sure there are many more. Have you used this application, or one similar, to assist in your teaching? Please feel free to post ideas below!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My First Post

A long time coming...

I have no (real) excuses... I should have started this blog a long time ago. A mix of the insane busyness of my first year of teaching and my slight obsessive perfectionism has delayed the process but better late than never.

About Myself...

I am a brand new teacher. I attended Azusa Pacific University for my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I received my B.A. in Liberal Studies, California teaching credential, and M.A. in Ed: Digital Teaching and Learning. Like many others during this ridiculous time in history, the economy helped dictate my life choices. When I received my teaching credential there were practically no teaching jobs in California so i figured I might as well keep pushing through and get my masters. Silly me. As you may have already guessed, the problem with this decision is that districts did not have any money to higher people with masters level education. So, I was left with tons of school loans, plenty of knowledge, and no job. I made the decision to teach abroad as a missionary in Bogota', Colombia. Teaching an entire class of ESL students with limited technology and an incomplete curriculum has given me more experience and humility in one year than I ever could have hoped for. In June I will be heading back to California to search for a job that will allow me to continue learning and growing.


The reason I wanted to start this blog is so that I have somewhere to record different activities and methods that I have tried or would like to try in my own classroom. I wanted a place to be able to collaborate with other teachers. Where we could share ideas, concerns, and solutions. I hope to be able to discuss topics like technology in the classroom, classroom management strategies, methods for teaching ELLs, etc.

My 2nd Grade Class in Colombia